Committee | Civil and Environmental Engineering | SIU
2023 School Standing Committee Memberships
(3 year term)
Curriculum Committee:
- Jia Liu (Chair, term expires 12/31/25)
- Habibollah Fakhraei (term expires 12/31/23)
- Jale Tezcan (term expires 12/31/26)
Graduate Program Committee:
- Jia Liu (Chair, term expires 12/31/24)
- Ajay Kalra (term expires 12/31/25)
- Sangmin Shin (term expires 12/31/25)
Assessment Committee
- Jale Tezcan (Chair, term expires 12/31/23)
- Mehmet Yilmaz (term expires 12/31/24)
- Habibollah Fakhraei (term expires 12/31/25)
Faculty Affairs Committee:
- Sangmin Shin (Chair, term expires 12/31/23)
- Debarshi Sen (term expires 12/31/24)
- Ajay Kalra (term expires 12/31/25)
School Representatives to Standing Committees of the
College of ECTM (2 year term)
Curriculum Committee:
- Jale Tezcan (term expires 01/15/25)
Faculty Affairs Committee:
- Ajay Kalra (term expires 01/15/25)
Student Affairs Committee:
- Ajay Kalra (term expires 01/15/24)
Ph.D. Program Committee:
- Jale Tezcan (term expires 01/15/24)
Lab Safety Committee:
- Jia Liu (term expires 01/15/24)