Cadence Spice Memory | ECBE | SIU

Southern Illinois University



Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering

College of Engineering, Computing, Technology, and Mathematics

Cadence Univeristy Program Member

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Increase Cadence cdsSpice Memory

to fix the error: "Out of spice memory",

close the Cadence tool you are using (icfb/icms) and edit the ".cdsenv" file in you home directory. 

In the ".cdsenv" file add the following 3 lines:

cdsSpice.init processPriority int 5

cdsSpice.init languageSize int 400

cdsSpice.init spiceSize int 600

Save the file and then relaunch the Cadence tool you want to use.  If the error persists, try raising the last 2 parameters.

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Cadence is a registered trademark of Cadence Design Systems, Inc., 2655 Seely Avenue, San Jose, CA 95134