Graduate- About Mechanical Engineering | Engineering | SIU

Southern Illinois University



College of Engineering, Computing, Technology, and Mathematics

Graduate- About Mechanical Engineering | Engineering | SIU

Graduate Program In MAME

Reach your potential.  Graduate work in the School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Materials Engineering provide extensive opportunities for graduate students to engage in advanced research and collaborate with faculty and colleagues.  Together, our community members push the boundaries of their professions and grow profoundly as engineers, researchers and innovators.

We offer a Master of Science (M.S) in Mechanical Engineering and a Ph.D., in Engineering Science with an emphasis in Mechanical Engineering.  Whatever your variety of interest and background, our programs provide state-of-the-art opportunities for you to excel.

The program provides advanced study in nano-materials, composite materials, ceramics, and tribology mechanical design and systems,  computer-aided design and numerical simulations, thermal and fluid sciences, non-destructive evaluation, air pollution control, mass and heat transfer, coal conversion, electrochemical processes, thermal systems design, solar systems design, chemical and biochemical processes. The School also offers an Accelerated Master of Science Program in Mechanical Engineering. Please visit the AMSPME page for more information.

You will find some of the basic questions you have about graduate study at SIU Carbondale and our graduate program.  We encourage you to send any questions by email to or contact the school office at 618/536-2396.  You are also encouraged to contact faculty members whose research most closely parallel your interests.