Program Structure

Members of the Leadership Development Program (LDP) participate in and lead various activities, described below, designed to engage students in an immersive environment that promotes leadership development and success. As they progress through the program, students will encounter increasingly difficult challenges to ensure continued growth. The program is designed to equip students to meet these challenges successfully and decisively.

Team Building Week


At the beginning of each academic year, LDP members embark on an intensive week-long journey designed to create team cohesion. Participants learn self-awareness, how to lead by example, the fundamentals of teamwork and more. This event provides insight into LDP culture and the values that guide the program’s success.

Organize and Lead Projects

Members will have the opportunity to organize and lead projects, both assigned and volunteered, throughout the academic year. These projects provide the opportunity to practice leadership skills in a safe environment and allow the team to identify individual strengths and weaknesses, as well as provide peer coaching.

Lead a Registered Student Organization (RSO)

LDP members join an SIUC Registered Student Organization in addition to the LDP. Over the course of their first year at LDP, members will select at least one other RSO to join and lead. More information about RSOs is available online.

Mentorship Program


New LDP members are typically assigned a second-year member mentor to provide one-on-one coaching for leadership, academic, and life skills. Some members are coached by LDP sponsors or other program partners. LDP staff work individually with each member to find the right coaching fit.

Weekly Meetings

The program is known across campus for its early-morning meetings. LDP members come to appreciate these meetings as an opportunity to connect with peers and staff, start their day on the right note, and model the dedication it takes to be a successful leader.


  • Leadership Labs are held on Thursdays at 6:15 a.m. in room D-102. Members learn valuable leadership skills and tactics from peers or featured guest speakers.  *Currently over Microsoft Teams due to COVID-19*
  • Fit to Lead are held on Tuesdays at 5:40 a.m. at the REC. With a focus on being “Fit to Lead”, these sessions provide members a chance to exercise mind and body *Currently over Microsoft Teams due to COVID-19*