Team-ship is related to your ability to work in a team and all the interactions you have with people. Is not about being on the leader’s position, but on the follower position. It’s about understanding your team, delegating, communicating effectively and eventually, handling conflict.
Alex Manuel – Effective communication
Alex talks about the importance of effective communication and how to use it on a team setting. He starts with talking about listening and being clear about your expectations with the other person.
Simon Sinek – Start with Why
Simon Sinek talks about how great leaders inspire action. He guides us through the famous Golden Circle and how companies and leaders are using this tool today.
Other Sources
Microsoft Teams or Slack
Those are two online platforms for team communication that can be useful specially in our more global environment. The platforms have many plugins that can enhance your experience based on your team’s need.
This is a project management tool that can help you to organize your projects. It’s friendly user, dynamic and it can organize your project in a very visual way.